Capital Placement

We offer capital placement services for a select number of alternative investment strategies and opportunities at any given time. While our capabilities started with a focus on hedge funds, we have extended our reach to successfully place capital for venture capital, private equity, real estate, and direct raises. Our clients' time is our most valuable asset and thus, we are careful to make only thoughtful introductions to highly qualified investors.

Capital Introduction

Our team maintains extensive relationships with a growing network of global allocators, including pensions, endowments, foundations, investment consultants, family offices, fund of funds, insurance companies, and sovereign wealth funds. These relationships are based upon our long-term dialogues that cater to the specific needs of each allocator and provide solutions to those needs. We are able to make thoughtful, deliberate introductions by understanding the investment processes and goals of our allocator relationships. This understanding allows us to make targeted, worthwhile introductions to our capital introduction clientele.

Business Development

Our business development strategy centers around close relationships with our clients and partners to develop and execute processes based on our decades of experience in the alternative investment industry. We start by understanding our client’s business by researching its competitive landscape and shaping a game plan for its growth. This includes developing effective marketing materials and presentations, and thoughtful consideration of the appropriate investor target market. Next, we take a process-driven approach to ensure the effective execution of the game plan developed with our client. We focus on consulting and outsourced business development and endeavor to build long-term partnerships and strategic relationships with all of our clients.

Outsourced Investor Relations

We offer alternative asset managers the ability to outsource some or all of their investor relations functions for managers that do not have their own in-house capabilities. We are able to offer clients a deep bench of institutional investor relations professionals, allowing the client’s investment team to focus their efforts elsewhere. This service is customizable for each client so that we are able to provide exactly the right amount of support given the size and maturity of the fund. We operate as a seamless interface with investors, providing them with the required level of service and communication.

Family Office Advisory

We research and evaluate bespoke solutions for ultra-high net worth individuals and families that align with their particular goals. We start by understanding a client’s objectives and then leverage our industry relationships to recommend integrity-driven and highly aligned family office fiduciaries. We consider philanthropy, tax efficiency, and preservation for current and future generations.